国立台湾大学 农业化学系

状态 名誉教授
姓名 陈尊贤
联络电话 02-33664807
职称 名誉教授
研究专长 土壤学、土壤分类与调查、土壤形态与化育、土壤污染与整治复育、土壤品质评估
研究室网站 http://lab.ac.ntu.edu.tw/soilsc
研究室电话 02-33664807
研究成果 02-33669576
国家 学校名称 系所 学位
台湾 国立台湾大学 农业化学系土壤肥料组 学士
台湾 国立台湾大学 农业化学研究所 硕士
台湾 国立台湾大学 农业化学研究所 博士
年度 论文名称
2014 Lee, C.H., and Z.S. Chen*, A stepwise modeling of copper sorption onto Kaolinite and Montmorillonite in field pH range as affected by dissolved organic carbon, 20th World Congress of Soil Science (2014 WCSS), Oct. 01, 2014, Jeju, Korea. (abstract no.AF2665)
2014 Huang, T. H., and Z.S. Chen*, Soil Water Management to Decrease the Arsenic Content and Arsenic speciation of Brown Rice Grown in Arsenic Contaminated Soils, 20th World Congress of Soil Science, Jun. 08-13, 2014, Jeju, Korea. (abstract no.AF0482)
2014 Su, S.W., C.C. Tsui, and Z.S. Chen*, Safety evaluation of vegetables grown on the highly arsenic-contaminated soils in northern Taiwan, 20th World Congress of Soil Science, Jun. 08-13, 2014, Jeju, Korea. (abstract no.AF1398)
2014 Tsui, C.C., W.C.Liao, C.C. Lin, and Z.S. Chen*, Landscape position effect on soil organic carbon of three evergreen broad-leaved forests in Taiwan, 20th World Congress of Soil Science, Jun. 08-13, 2014, Jeju, Korea. (abstract no.AF1384)
2014 Lee, C.H., and Z.S. Chen*, A stepwise modeling of copper sorption onto Kaolinite and Montmorillonite in field pH range as affected by dissolved organic carbon, 20th World Congress of Soil Science (2014 WCSS), Jun. 08-13, 2014, Jeju, Korea. (abstract no.AF2665)
2014 Chen, P.C., C.C. Tsai, C.H. Lee, C.C. Tsui, and Z.S. Chen*, The effects of Inceptisols and Ultisols on composition of solution ions in Fushan natural hardwood forest ecosystem in Taiwan, 20th World Congress of Soil Science (2014 WCSS), Jun. 06-13, 2014, Jeju, Korea. (abstract no.AF1351)
2013 崔君至、蔡呈奇、崔家绮、陈尊贤*, 台湾中部更新造林(Fraxinus formosana Hayata)对土壤碳吸存之效应, 土壤肥料通讯第96期中华土壤肥料学会102年度年会暨「土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会」特刊, Dec. 13, 2013, 国立中兴大学土壤环境科学系十楼演讲厅,台中市、台湾。(荣获年会壁报论文奖第三名)
2013 Huang, T.H. and Z.S. Chen*, The effects of soil water managements on the arsenic content and arsenic speciation of different parts of rice grown on arsenic-contaminated Soils in Taiwan, Nov. 28, 2013, Taipei, Taiwan
2013 Tsui, C.C., C.C. Tsai, C.C. Huang, and Z.S. Chen*, Estimation of Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration in a Michelia compress a plantation of central Taiwan, 11th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (11th ESAFS), Oct. 20-24, 2013, Bogor, Indonesia
2013 Chang, H. Y. and Z.S. Chen*, Evaluation of Water Management Effecting on the Arsenic Level of Brown Rice Grown in Arsenic-contaminated Soils, 11th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (11th ESAFS), Oct. 20-24, 2013, Bogor, Indonesia
2013 Huang, T.H. and Z.S. Chen*, Arsenic speciation of brown rice (Oryza sativa) is Affected by Water Management Method and Soil Characteristics, 11th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (11th ESAFS), Oct. 20-24, 2013, Bogor, Indonesia
2013 Huang, T. H., H. Y. Chang, C. Y. Lin, and Z. S. Chen, The soil water management technologies to reduce the arsenic content of brown rice for different arsenic-contaminated soils, Sep. 15-19, 2013, Melbourne, Australia
2013 Tsai*, C.C. and Z.S. Chen, Effects of biochar on carbon mineralization kinetics in swine manure compost amended soils, International workshop on Innovation in Biomass Resources Use: Biomass to Biochar, Sep. 02-06, 2013, Hanoi, Vietnam
2013 黄泰祥、张颢严、林季燕、陈尊贤* , 土壤水分管理对砷污染土壤之土壤孔隙水砷浓度及糙米砷浓度与糙米砷物种组成之影响, 海峡两岸环境分析化学学术研讨会, Jul. 29-Aug. 03, 2013, 中国,大连
2013 Huang, T.H. and Z.S. Chen*, Water management and soil characteristics affect the As concentration in the brown rice of Oryza sativa, 12th International conference on the biogeochemistry of trace elements (12th ICOBTE), Jun. 16-20, 2013, Georgia, USA
2013 Lee, C. H. and Z. S. Chen*, The Effects of Dissolved Organic Carbon on Copper Sorption onto kaolinite and montmorillonite in Field pH Range, 12th International conference on the biogeochemistry of trace elements (12th ICOBTE), Jun. 16-20, 2013, Georgia, USA
2013 张颢严,陈尊贤*, 土壤水分管理对两种砷污染土壤之土壤孔隙水砷浓度及糙米砷浓度之影响, 中华民国2013环境分析学术研讨会, 2013, 高雄市
2013 黄泰祥、张颢严、林季燕、陈尊贤*, 糙米砷物种组成与糙米砷浓度之关系, 中华民国2013年环境分析学术研讨会, 2013, 高雄市
2012 Chen, Z. S, Soil characteristics and soil management affecting the metal bioavailability and food safety of heavy metal-contaminated soils in Taiwan, Proceedings of International Symposium on Heavy Metal Remediation in Agricultural Ecosystem, Nov. 14, 2015 ~ Nov. 18, 2012, National Kangwon University, Chuncheon, Korea
2012 Chen, Z. S, Soil characteristics and soil management affecting the metal bioavailability and food safety of heavy metal-contaminated soils in Taiwan, Proceedings of MECO-TECO Joint R&D Workshop, Dec. 16-19, 2012, Manila, Philippines
2012 简士濠、许正一、陈尊贤 , 阿里山山脉土壤气候序列中之有机碳储存量, 土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会, Dec. 07, 2012, 国立台湾大学水工试验所,台北市、台湾
2012 崔君至、蔡呈奇、陈尊贤, 台湾北部火山灰土碳存量之推估, 土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会, Dec. 07, 2012, 国立台湾大学水工试验所,台北市、台湾
2012 张颢严、陈尊贤(张颢严荣获年会壁报论文奖第三名), 评估可行之降低水稻砷含量的水分管理方法, 土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会, Dec. 07, 2012, 国立台湾大学水工试验所,台北市、台湾
2012 黄泰祥、陈尊贤*(黄泰祥荣获年会壁报论文奖第二名), 水分管理对不同母质砷污染土壤之土壤溶液中砷浓度及土壤砷型态分布之影响, 土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会, Dec. 07, 2012, 国立台湾大学水工试验所,台北市、台湾
2012 林季燕、许嘉珍、陈尊贤(林季燕荣获年会壁报论文奖第一名), 施用有机质及石灰对铜锌低度污染区土壤有效性铜锌浓度与糙米铜锌浓度之影响, 土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会, Dec. 07, 2012, 国立台湾大学水工试验所,台北市、台湾
2012 Huang, T.H., S.W. Su, H.Y. Chang, C. C. Huang and Z.S. Chen*. 2012. . . , Sep 23-27, 2012, Copper and Zinc uptake by Pakchoi and Rice as affected by applying manure composts with different levels of Cu and Zn concentrations, 16th International Conference on the heavy metals in the Environment (16th ICHMET), Sep. 23-27, 2012, Rome, Italy. (Best student poster Award of 190 posters of the conference).
2012 Chang, H. Y. and Z.S. Chen*, The effect of different water managements on rice arsenic content in two arsenic-spiked soils, 16th International Conference on the heavy metals in the Environment (16th ICHMET), Sep. 23-27, 2012, Rome, Italy
2012 Su, S. W., and Z.S. Chen*, Assessing soil testing methods for the prediction of As levels in vegetable crops grown in As-contaminated soils on the Guandu Plain, Taiwan, 16th International Conference on the heavy metals in the Environment (16th ICHMET), Sep. 23-27, 2012, Rome, Italy
2012 苏绍玮、陈尊贤* , Soil Characteristics Affecting the Arsenic Availability in Taiwan Soils and in highly As-Contaminated Soils on the Guandu Plain, 第六届海峡两岸土壤与地下水污染整治研讨会, Aug. 26, 2012 ~ Aug. 29, 2013, 中国山东省烟台
2012 张颢严、陈尊贤* , 水分管理对水稻各部位砷含量影响。第九届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术交流研讨会论文集, Aug. 21-23, 2012, 成都、四川
2012 崔君至、郭鸿裕、陈尊贤, 以旧数据库与数字土壤图估算农地土壤碳存量。第九届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术研讨会论文集。 P.1339-1345, Aug. 20-22, 2012, 中国四川省成都:金牛饭店
2012 崔君至、郭鸿裕、陈尊贤, 以旧数据库与数字土壤图估算农地土壤碳存量, 第九届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术研讨会论文集。 P.1339-1345, Aug. 20-22, 2012, 中国四川省成都:金牛饭店
2012 张颢严、陈尊贤, 水分管理对水稻各部位砷含量影响。第九届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术研讨会论文集。 P.718-724, Aug. 20-22, 2012, 中国四川省成都:金牛饭店
2012 黄泰祥、苏绍玮、张颢严、黄正介、陈尊贤 , 堆肥铜锌施用后对小白菜及水稻品质之影响。第九届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术研讨会论文集。 p.516-522, Aug. 20-Jul. 22, 2012, 中国四川省成都:金牛饭店
2012 崔君至、郭鸿裕、陈尊贤 , 台湾农田土壤碳储存量估算与土壤生产力评估。农田土壤地力及生产力增进研讨会论文集。pp.17-28, Jul. 27, 2012, 国立中兴大学图书馆七楼国际会议厅,台中市,台湾
2012 陈尊贤, 台湾重金属污染土壤整治技术与农产品安全, 促进两岸资源循环产业发展研讨会, Jul. 04-08, 2012, 中国江苏省杭州
2012 崔君至、郭鸿裕、陈尊贤, 台湾农田土壤碳存量之估算与绘图。台湾农业化学会第五十次会员大会手册论文摘要集,p. 143 (D组土壤环境与植物营养学组 #103), Jun. 28, 2012, 国立台湾大学凝态科学物理馆,台北市,台湾
2012 苏绍玮、陈尊贤*, 关渡平原砷污染土壤对水稻生长之潜在危害风险, 2012年 中华民国环境分析化学年会, May. 04-05, 2012, 高雄、台湾
2012 黄泰祥、陈尊贤*(黄泰祥荣获年会口头论文奖), 添加关渡火山灰土壤物质降低砷污染区砷有效性浓度及稻谷砷浓度, 2012年 中华民国环境分析化学年会, May. 04-05, 2012, 高雄、台湾
2012 Tsui, C.C., C.C. Tsai, Z.S. Chen*, and H.Y. Guo, Mapping organic carbon stocks by using estimated bulk density in the rural soils of Taiwan, Fifth Global Workshop on Digital Soil Mapping 2012, Apr. 10-13, 2012, University of Sydney, Australia
2012 Tsai C. C., Z. S. Chen* and C.T. Duh, Estimation of soil organic carbon stock in subtropical forest region based on digital doil map in Taiwan, Fifth Global Workshop on Digital Soil Mapping 2012, Apr. 10-13, 2012, University of Sydney, Australia
2012 Guo, H. Y. and Z. S. Chen*, Soil Information System of Taiwan Soils and Its Applications, International conference on Advancing the science and technology of soil information in Asia: Launch of the global soil partnership’s Asia soil science network and GlobalSoilMap.net East Asia Node, Feb. 08-11, 2012, Nanjing, China
2012 Chen, Z.S, Experiences of mass carcass disposal in Taiwan and related to groundwater quality. In: Proceedings of special symposium in “2012 Busan International Water Congress”. Invited speaker of the Session on “Workshop on environmental management of post-epidemic carcass burial sites, Chair by Dr. Geonha Kim, Korea, Session on Sep 17)., 2012 Busan International Water Congress, Sep. 15-20, 2011, Busan, Korea
2011 林季燕、陈尊贤 , 重金属低污染区施加土壤改良剂对蔬菜及稻米吸收重金属之影响。土壤肥料通讯第94期中华土壤肥料学会100年度年会暨「土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会」特刊。pp. 151-152, 土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会, Dec. 09, 2011, 国立中兴大学农业环境大楼国际会议厅,台中市、台湾
2011 李家兴、陈尊贤 , 可溶性有机碳在不同pH值下对高岭石与蒙特石吸持铜的影响。土壤肥料通讯第94期中华土壤肥料学会100年度年会暨「土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会」特刊。pp. 149-150, 土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会, Dec. 09, 2011, 国立中兴大学农业环境大楼国际会议厅,台中市、台湾
2011 苏绍玮、陈尊贤, 关渡平原砷污染水田土壤溶液砷浓度追踪分析。土壤肥料通讯第94期中华土壤肥料学会100年度年会暨「土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会」特刊。pp. 147-148, 土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会, Dec. 09, 2011, 国立中兴大学农业环境大楼国际会议厅,台中市、台湾
2011 张颢严、陈尊贤, 水分管理及土壤性质影响土壤溶液砷浓度。土壤肥料通讯第94期中华土壤肥料学会100年度年会暨「土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会」特刊。pp. 145-146, 土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会, Dec. 09, 2011, 国立中兴大学农业环境大楼国际会议厅,台中市、台湾
2011 黄泰祥、陈尊贤。, 现行堆肥重金属管制标准对球茎甘篮产量及重金属含量之影响。土壤肥料通讯第94期中华土壤肥料学会100年度年会暨「土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会」特刊。pp. 143-144, 土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会, Dec. 09, 2011, 国立中兴大学农业环境大楼国际会议厅,台中市、台湾
2011 蔡呈奇、张瑀芳、林世宗、许正一、陈尊贤 , 台湾北部更新造林对土壤碳吸存之效应。土壤肥料通讯第94期中华土壤肥料学会100年度年会暨「土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会」特刊。。pp. 140-141, 土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会, Dec. 09, 2011, 国立中兴大学农业环境大楼国际会议厅,台中市、台湾
2011 黄正介、崔君至、蔡呈奇、陈尊贤, 台湾中部更新造林对土壤碳吸存之效应。土壤肥料通讯第94期中华土壤肥料学会100年度年会暨「土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会」特刊。pp. 138-139, 土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会, Dec. 09, 2011, 国立中兴大学农业环境大楼国际会议厅,台中市、台湾
2011 Chen*, Z.S., Z. Y. Hseu, H. Tsai, and C. C. Tsai, Exploration of iron activity and crystallinity for the application of soil dating on quaternary terraces in Taiwan, Proceedings of 9th International symposium of isotope Research in Ecogeochemistry, Nov. 14-17, 2011, Zenda Suite, National Chung Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan. pp. 23
2011 Adhikari, K.R.*, K.R. Dahal, R. Ghimire, Z.S. Chen, Y.C. Tan, J.S. Lai and S.C. Sah, Tillage and crop residue effects on carbon sequestration and crop yields in the lowland environment of Chitwan valley, Nepal. pp. 98-99, Proceedings of the PAWEES 2011 International Conference of Paddy and Water Environmental Engineering Society, Oct. 27-28, 2011, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
2011 Tsai, H.*, Z. Y. Hseu and Z.S. Chen, The soil pedogenesis and geomorphic environment relationships of the west-central Taiwan. pp. 293-294. In: R. S. Dharmakeerthi, W. A. U. Vitharana, R. B. Mapa, A. N. Jayakody, H. B. Nayakarorale and W. M. W. Weerakoon (editors). ISBN 978-955-8124-13-0, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the East and Southeastern Asia Federation of Soil Science Scieties (ESAFS10), Oct. 10-13, 2011, Colombo, Sri Lanka
2011 Tsui, C.C., C.C. Tsai and Z.S. Chen*, Depth distribution and storage of soil organic carbon in the Yangmingshan volcanic national park in northern Taiwan. pp. 223-224. In: R. S. Dharmakeerthi, W. A. U. Vitharana, R. B. Mapa, A. N. Jayakody, H. B. Nayakarorale and W. M. W. Weerakoon (editors). ISBN 978-955-8124-13-0, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the East and Southeastern Asia Federation of Soil Science Scieties (ESAFS10), Oct. 10-13, 2011, Colombo, Sri Lanka
2011 Guo, H. Y. and Z. S. Chen*, Soil group and soil information system of Taiwan. pp. 171-173. In: R. S. Dharmakeerthi, W. A. U. Vitharana, R. B. Mapa, A. N. Jayakody, H. B. Nayakarorale and W. M. W. Weerakoon (editors). ISBN 978-955-8124-13-0, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the East and Southeastern Asia Federation of Soil Science Scieties (ESAFS10), Oct. 10-13, 2011, Colombo, Sri Lanka
2011 Chen, Z.S.* and H. Y. Guo, Soil remediation techniques for the food safety on the heavy metals-contaminated soils. pp. 41-46. In: R. S. Dharmakeerthi, W. A. U. Vitharana, R. B. Mapa, A. N. Jayakody, H. B. Nayakarorale and W. M. W. Weerakoon (editors). ISBN 978-955-8124-13-0(Invited keynote speaker of the Session on Ecosystem and Human Health), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the East and Southeastern Asia Federation of Soil Science Scieties (ESAFS10), Oct. 10-13, 2011, Colombo, Sri Lanka
2011 Tsui, C.C., C.C. Tsai and Z.S. Chen*, Depth distribution and storage of soil organic carbon in the Yangmingshan volcanic national park in northern Taiwan. pp. 223-224. In: R. S. Dharmakeerthi, W. A. U. Vitharana, R. B. Mapa, A. N. Jayakody, H. B. Nayakarorale and W. M. W. Weerakoon (editors). ISBN 978-955-8124-13-0, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the East and Southeastern Asia Federation of Soil Science Scieties (ESAFS10), Oct. 10-13, 2011, Colombo, Sri Lanka
2011 Guo, H. Y. and Z. S. Chen*. 2011. . , Oct 10-13, 2011., Soil group and soil information system of Taiwan. pp. 171-173. In: R. S. Dharmakeerthi, W. A. U. Vitharana, R. B. Mapa, A. N. Jayakody, H. B. Nayakarorale and W. M. W. Weerakoon (editors). ISBN 978-955-8124-13-0, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the East and Southeastern Asia Federation of Soil Science Scieties (ESAFS10), Oct. 10-13, 2011, Colombo, Sri Lanka
2011 Wei, J. L., H.Y. Lai, and Z. S. Chen*, Predict the maximum removal of cadium by Impatients (Impatiens walleriana) grown in Cd-contaminated soils. pp. 5-6. In: R. S. Dharmakeerthi, W. A. U. Vitharana, R. B. Mapa, A. N. Jayakody, H. B. Nayakarorale and W. M. W. Weerakoon (editors). ISBN 978-955-8124-13-0, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the East and Southeastern Asia Federation of Soil Science Scieties (ESAFS10), Oct. 10-13, 2011, Colombo, Sri Lanka
2011 Lai, H.Y., S.M. Qiu, Z.T. Zhuo and Z.S. Chen*, Effect of the Application of Chemical Agents on Soil Quality during Chemical-Enhanced Phytoextraction, 11th International Confernce on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements (ICOBTE 2011), Jul. 03-07, 2011, Confernece Center, Florence, Italy
2011 崔君至、陈尊贤, 土壤性质对台湾北部地区人工林土壤碳存量之影响。台湾农业化学会第四十九次会员大会手册论文摘要集(D 组 土壤环境与植物营养学组 #115)。pp. 124, 台湾农业化学会第四十九次会员大会, Jun. 29, 2011, 国立台湾大学凝态科学物理馆,台北市、台湾
2011 Zhang*, G. L., S.Young Hong, Z. S. Chen, Soil information in Esat Asia: An overview. International workshop on the Global Soil Map.net: GSM-Progessing the new Perspectives on soil information in Oceania, Feb. 07-Jun. 09, 2011, Indonesia Center of the Agricultural Land Resources Research and Development (ICALRD), Bogor, Indonesia
2011 Zhang*, G. L., S.Young Hong, Z. S. Chen, Soil information in Esat Asia: An overview. International workshop on the Global Soil Map.net: GSM-Progessing the new Perspectives on soil information in Oceania, Indonesia Center of the Agricultural Land Resources Research and Development (ICALRD), Feb. 07-09, 2011, Bogor, Indonesia
2011 Zhang, G. L.*, S.Young Hong, and Z. S. Chen, Soil information in East Asia: An overview. International workshop on the GlobalSoilMap.net: GSM-Progessing the new perspectives on soil information in Oceania, Indonesia Center of the Agricultural Land Resources Research and Development (ICALRD), Feb. 07-09, 2011, Bogor, Indonesia
2010 林佳佳、陈尊贤, 莲华池25公顷阔叶林长期动态样区土壤性质之空间变异。第八届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术研讨会暨土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会论文集。p. 445-450, Dec. 06-07, 2010, 台北:台湾大学
2010 廖健利、陈尊贤, 砷污染土壤中不同化学处理方法对作水稻及青梗白菜吸收砷之影响。第八届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术研讨会暨土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会论文集。p. 379 -384, Dec. 06-07, 2010, 台北:台湾大学
2010 林季燕、陈尊贤, 重金属低污染区施加土壤改良剂对蔬菜及稻米吸收重金属之影响。第八届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术研讨会暨土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会论文集。p. 361-366, Dec. 06-07, 2010, 台北:台湾大学
2010 崔君至、陈尊贤, 台湾低海拔亚热带雨林不同地形位置之净氮矿化作用及硝化作用。第八届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术研讨会暨土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会论文集。p. 343-348, Dec. 06-07, 2010, 台北:台湾大学
2010 陈怡君、陈尊贤, 堆肥铜锌含量对球茎甘蓝生长及其吸收铜锌之影响。第八届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术研讨会暨土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会论文集。p. 319-324, Dec. 06-07, 2010, 台北:台湾大学
2010 Keshav Raj Adhikari (阿帝加里) and Zueng-Sang Chen, Relationship between leachate outflow and mineral nitrogen leaching as affected by compost and urea application in high rainfall area。第八届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术研讨会暨土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会论文集。p. 313-318, Dec. 06-07, 2010, 台北:台湾大学
2010 Keshav Raj Adhikari (阿帝加里) and Zueng-Sang Chen , Nitrogen-based composted-manure application in high rainfall areas: Implications for phosphorus leaching and changes in soil quality in high rainfall condition第八届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术研讨会暨土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会论文集。p.307-312。, Dec. 06, 2010 ~ Dec. 07, 2011, 台北:台湾大学
2010 黄正介、陈尊贤, 施用污泥堆肥对土壤肥力与菾菜对氮磷吸收之影响。第八届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术研讨会暨土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会论文集。p. 301-306, Dec. 06-07, 2010, 台北:台湾大学
2010 黄正介、陈尊贤, 污泥堆肥施入不同起始pH值土壤后对碳氮释放的影响。第八届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术研讨会暨土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会论文集。p.295-300, Dec. 06-07, 2010, 台北:台湾大学
2010 张瑀芳、陈尊贤、黄政恒、蔡呈奇, 台湾阳明山国家公园内火山灰土壤地形土序中土壤的形态分类与分布。第八届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术研讨会暨土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会论文集。p. 259-264, Dec. 06-07, 2010, 台北:台湾大学
2010 赖鸿裕、苏绍玮、郭鸿裕、陈尊贤。 , 台湾镉与砷污染区植生复育研究与不同水稻品种之吸收特性。第八届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术研讨会暨土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会论文集。p. 1-6, Dec. 06-07, 2010, 台北:台湾大学
2010 Chen, Z. S. , Achievement, Development and Experience of Remediation Technologies Applied to the Soil and Groundwater Contaminated Sites of Taiwan. In: 2010 Taipei International conference on the investigation, remediation and management of soil and groundwater contamination sites. Published on DVD; Special Meeting Program(Invited speaker), Oct. 27, 2010, Taipei GIS Convention Center, Taipei, Taiwan
2010 苏绍玮、陈尊贤*, 台北市关渡平原农田土壤砷污染特殊现象探究。pp. 230-239。In: 第五届海峡两岸土壤及地下水污染整治研讨会论文集, Oct. 25-26, 2010, 国立台湾大学集思会议中心国际会议厅
2010 Su, S.W. and Z.S. Chen*, Arsenic contamination in groundwater and soils of Taiwan(Invited speaker), International Workshop on the Arsenic in Rice South-South Exchange Network for International Collaboration (ARSSENIC), Oct. 17-21, 2010, Brac Centre Inn, Dhaka, Bangladesh
2010 S. H., Z. Y. Hseu*, H. Y. Guo, C. C. Tsai, and Z. S. Chen, Organic Carbon Storage and Management Strategies of the Rural Soils on the Basis of Soil Information System in Taiwan. pp. 125-138. Chen, Z.S. and Agus, F. (editors). In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Evaluation and Sustainable Management of Soil Carbon Sequestration in Asian Countries. ISBN-978-602-8039-27-7. (Invited speaker), Sep. 27-Oct. 02, 2010, Bogor, Indonesia
2010 Tsai* C.C., Z. S. Chen, Z. Y. Hseu, C. T. Duh, and H. Y. Guo, Organic Carbon Storage and Management Strategies of the Forest Soils Based on the Forest Soil Survey Database in Taiwan. pp. 85-102. Chen, Z.S. and Agus, F. (editors). In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Evaluation and Sustainable Management of Soil Carbon Sequestration in Asian Countries. ISBN-978-602-8039-27-7. (Invited speaker), Sep. 27-Oct. 02, 2010, Bogor, Indonesia
2010 Tsai*, H., Z. S. Hseu, H. Y. Kuo, and Z. S. Chen, Soilscape of the west-central Taiwan-the footprints on soil pedogenesis and geomorphic environment. In: Gilkes RJ, Prakongkep N, editors. Proceedings of 19th World Congress of Soil Sciences; Soil Solutions for a Changing World; ISBN 978-0-646-53783-2; Published on DVD; http://www.iuss.org; Sympsium 1.3.2 . pp. 30-33, 2010, Brisban, Australia: IUSS
2010 许正一*、陈庭坚、赖鸿裕、陈柏青、郭鸿裕、陈尊贤, 重金属污染农田土壤之整治目标与健康风险管理。pp. 23-48. 陈尊贤(主编)。第14届土壤及地下水污染整治研讨会论文集, 2010, 国立台湾大学凝态科学物理馆国际会议厅。台北市、台湾
2010 Su, S.W. and Z. S. Chen*, Factors limiting As availability in highly As-contaminated soils in Guandu Plain of Taipei. Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Arsenic in the Environment: As in the geosphere and human diseases, 2010, Tainan, Taiwan
2010 Su, S.W. and Z. S. Chen*, Lime and P addition in highly As-contaminated soils slightly increase As availability. Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Arsenic in the Environment: As in the geosphere and human diseases, 2010, Tainan, Taiwan
2010 Tsai, C.C. and Z. S. Chen*, Incorporation of GIS, DEM, and Terrain Analysis for Volcanic Digital Soil Mapping in Northern Taiwan. Proceedings of the 4th International Digital Soil mapping Conference, 2010, Rome, Italy
2010 苏绍玮、陈尊贤*, 禽畜粪堆肥铜锌含量与施用量对土壤及作物品质之影响。台湾农业化学会第四十八次会员大会手册论文摘要集 p. 177 (D 组 土壤环境与植物营养学组 #020), 2010, 国立台湾大学凝态科学物理馆,台北市、台湾
2010 陈怡君、陈尊贤*, 堆肥铜锌含量对球茎甘蓝生长及其吸收铜锌之影响。台湾农业化学会第四十八次会员大会手册论文摘要集 p. 177 (D 组 土壤环境与植物营养学组 #019), 2010, 国立台湾大学凝态科学物理馆,台北市、台湾
2010 黄正介、陈尊贤*, 污泥堆肥施入不同起始 pH值土壤后对碳氮释放的影响。台湾农业化学会第四十八次会员大会手册论文摘要集 p. 176 (D 组 土壤环境与植物营养学组 #018), 2010, 国立台湾大学凝态科学物理馆,台北市、台湾
2010 林佳佳、陈尊贤*, 莲华池25公顷阔叶林长期动态样区土壤性质之空间变异。台湾农业化学会第四十八次会员大会手册论文摘要集 p. 176 (D 组 土壤环境与植物营养学组 #017), 2010, 国立台湾大学凝态科学物理馆,台北市、台湾
2010 廖健利、陈尊贤*, 砷污染土壤中不同化学改良方法对作物吸收砷之影响。台湾农业化学会第四十八次会员大会手册论文摘要集 p. 175 (D 组 土壤环境与植物营养学组 #016), 2010, 国立台湾大学凝态科学物理馆,台北市、台湾
2010 Adhikari, K. R. and Z. S. Chen*, Nitrogen-based compost-manure application in high rain areas: Implication for phosphorus balance and crop yield in the potted soil. 台湾农业化学会第四十八次会员大会手册论文摘要集 p. 175 (D 组 土壤环境与植物营养学组 #015), 2010, 国立台湾大学凝态科学物理馆,台北市、台湾
2010 Adhikari, K. R. and Z. S. Chen*, Nitrogen-based compost-manure application in high rain areas: Implication for phosphorus leaching and changes in soil quality in the potted soil. 台湾农业化学会第四十八次会员大会手册论文摘要集 p. 174 (D 组 土壤环境与植物营养学组 #014), 2010, 国立台湾大学凝态科学物理馆,台北市、台湾
2010 Tsui, C.C. and Z. S. Chen*, Net nitrogen mineralization and nitrification at different landscape positions in a lowland subtropical rain forest in Taiwan台湾农业化学会第四十八次会员大会手册论文摘要集 p. 173 (D 组 土壤环境与植物营养学组 #013), 2010, 国立台湾大学凝态科学物理馆,台北市、台湾
2010 Adhikari, K. R. and Z. S. Chen*, Nitrogen-based Composted-Manure application: Implications for Phosphorus balance and changes in Soil quality in the Pot Experiment. Proceedings of 19th World Congress of Soil Sciences, 2010, Brisbane, Australia
2010 Su, S.W., and Z.S. Chen*, Soil pH and free Fe/Al oxides control As availability and fractionation in representative Taiwan soils contaminated by As. Proceedings of 19th World Congress of Soil Sciences, 2010, Brisbane, Australia
2010 Tsui, C.C. and Z. S. Chen*, Net Nitrogen Mineralization and Nitrification at Different Landscape Positions in a Lowland Subtropical Rain Forest in Taiwan. Proceedings of 19th World Congress of Soil Sciences, 2010, Brisbane, Australia
2010 Jien, S.H., Z. S. Chen, Y. Iizuka, and C. Y. Chiu*, Micromorphological and chemical characteristics of placic and ortstein horizons in subtropical subalpine forests. Proceedings of 19th World Congress of Soil Sciences, 2010, Brisbane, Australia
2010 Tsai, C.C., P. C. Chen, and Z. S. Chen*, Soil solution chemistry and elemental balance of Fushan natural hardwood forest ecosystem in Taiwan. Proceedings of 19th World Congress of Soil Sciences, 2010, Brisban, Australia
2009 苏绍玮、陈尊贤, 现行土壤砷全量检测方法之检讨与替代方法之可行性评估。2009 环境分析化学研讨会大会手册。p. Poster-54, 2009, 中坜:行政院环境保护署 环境检验所
2009 苏绍玮、陈尊贤, 砷在台湾各种土壤水田及旱田条件下之化学型态分布与动态变化。2009 环境分析化学研讨会大会手册。p. Oral-29。(荣获年会口头论文奖), 2009, 中坜:行政院环境保护署 环境检验所
2009 Tsai* C. C. and Z. S. Chen, Soil Characteristics under Cypress Plantation Forest in Taiwan: Case study in Chilanshan and Alishan area. Proceedings of Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on cypress natural regeneration forest and cypress plantation fores. (Invited speaker)t, 2009, Taiwan Forest Research Institute (TFRI), Taipei, Taiwan
2009 苏绍玮*、陈尊贤, 台湾各种土壤在水田及旱田条件下遭受砷污染后土壤砷型态分布变化。台湾农业化学会第四十七次会员大会手册论文摘要集。(荣获年会壁报论文优等奖), 2009, 国立台湾大学凝态科学物理馆,台北
2009 Tsui*, C. C. and Z. S. Chen, Net nitrogen mineralization and nitrification of different landscape positions in a lowland subtropical rain forest of Taiwan. 台湾农业化学会第四十七次会员大会手册论文摘要集, 2009, 国立台湾大学凝态科学物理馆,台北
2009 Su*, S. W. and Z. S. Chen, Food safety of root and vegetable crops harvested from high As-contaminated soils in Guandu Plain, Taipei, Taiwan. Proceedings of 10th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, 2009, Cheewawa, Mexico
2009 苏绍玮*、陈尊贤, 石灰与磷肥施用对关渡平原砷污染土壤有效性砷浓度影响之初步评估。土壤污染调查整治与复育研讨会论文集。pp. 106-112。 陈仁炫、郭鸿裕、王尚礼、邹裕民(主编), 2009, 台中市,台湾。国立中兴大学农业环境大楼国际会议厅
2009 洪崑厚、林彦玲、张育智、苏绍玮、陈尊贤*, 欧美日先进国家土壤污染物管制值订定原则及管理策略。土壤污染调查整治与复育研讨会论文集。pp. 1-27。 陈仁炫、郭鸿裕、王尚礼、邹裕民(主编)。(Invited speaker), 2009, 台中市,台湾。国立中兴大学农业环境大楼国际会议厅
2009 李家兴、陈尊贤*, 污泥及猪粪堆肥中可溶性有机碳与铜锌镉之沉淀行为。pp. 87-88。土壤肥料通讯第92期中华土壤肥料学会98年度年会特刊。(荣获年会壁报论文佳作奖), 2009, 台中市、台湾。国立中兴大学农业环境大楼国际会议厅
2009 苏绍玮、陈尊贤*, 酸性且富含游离铁铝氧化物土壤具较佳之砷污染缓冲能力。pp. 79-80。土壤肥料通讯第92期中华土壤肥料学会98年度年会特刊, 2009, 台中市、台湾。国立中兴大学农业环境大楼国际会议厅
2009 陈尊贤、许正一、简士濠、张瑀芳、蔡呈奇*, 台湾地区都市土壤的特性与分类。pp. 75-76。土壤肥料通讯第92期中华土壤肥料学会98年度年会特刊(荣获年会壁报论文佳作奖), 2009, 台中市、台湾。国立中兴大学农业环境大楼国际会议厅
2009 Su, S. W., H.Y. Lai, H.Y. Guo, and Z. S. Chen*, Phytoremediation and the uptake characteristics of different rice varieties growing in Cd- or As-contaminated soils in Taiwan. pp. W1-14-03 (p1-10). In: T. Araki and T. Makino (editors). Proceedings of Monsoon Asia Agro-Environmental Research Consortium (MARCO): International Workshop on the Development of phyto-technology for decreasing heavy metal in food. (Invited speaker), 2009, Tsukuba, Tokyo, Japan
2009 Tsai*, H., Z.Y. Hseu, S.T. Huang, W.S. Huang, and Z.S. Chen, The implication of landform formation for Tadu tableland in Central Taiwan based on pedogenic properties of surface deposit. pp. 735-736. In: J.S. Suh, K.H. Kim, J.H. Yoo, J.K. Kim, M. K. Paik and W. I. Kim (editors). Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (ESSAFS). Published by Korean Society of Soil Science and Fertilizer. ISBN: 978-89-480-03901 (93520), 2009, Seoul, Korea
2009 Jien, S.H., C.C. Tsai*, C.C. Huang, Z.Y. Hseu, and Z.S. Chen, Baseline concentration of toxic elements in metropolitan park soils of Taiwan. pp. 557-558. In: J.S. Suh, K.H. Kim, J.H. Yoo, J.K. Kim, M. K. Paik and W. I. Kim (editors). Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (ESSAFS). Published by Korean Society of Soil Science and Fertilizer. ISBN: 978-89-480-03901 (93520) (Invited speaker), 2009, Seoul, Korea
2009 Su*, S. W. and Z. S. Chen, Developing a soil testing method for As-contaminated agricultural soils in Guandu Plain, Taipei, Taiwan. pp. 509-510. In: J.S. Suh, K.H. Kim, J.H. Yoo, J.K. Kim, M. K. Paik and W. I. Kim (editors). Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (ESSAFS). Published by Korean Society of Soil Science and Fertilizer. ISBN: 978-89-480-03901 (93520), 2009, Seoul, Korea
2009 Guo*, H.Y. and Z. S. Chen, Soil information system and its application in Taiwan. pp. 403-405. In: J.S. Suh, K.H. Kim, J.H. Yoo, J.K. Kim, M. K. Paik and W. I. Kim (editors). Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (ESSAFS). Published by Korean Society of Soil Science and Fertilizer. ISBN: 978-89-480-03901 (93520), 2009, Seoul, Korea
2009 Guo, H.Y., Z. Y. Hseu*, Z. S. Chen, C. C. Tsai, and S. H. Jien, Integrating Soil Information System with Agro-environmental Application in Taiwan. pp. 117-122. In: J.S. Suh, K.H. Kim, J.H. Yoo, J.K. Kim, M. K. Paik and W. I. Kim (editors). Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (ESSAFS). Published by Korean Society of Soil Science and Fertilizer. ISBN: 978-89-480-03901 (93520) (Invited speaker), 2009, Seoul, Korea
2009 Su, S. W. and Z. S. Chen*. 2009. . , Oct 27-30, 2009, Cadmium Exposure from Plant-based Food Consumption in Global Population especially in Asia and Techniques to Reduce the Risks to Human Health. pp. 54-60. In: J.S. Suh, K.H. Kim, J.H. Yoo, J.K. Kim, M. K. Paik and W. I. Kim (editors). Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (ESSAFS). Published by Korean Society of Soil Science and Fertilizer. ISBN: 978-89-480-03901 (93520) (Invited speaker), 2009, Seoul, Korea
2009 Adhikari, K.R., Y. C. Tan, J. S. Lai, Z. S. Chen, Y. J. Lin, and T. Y. Pan, Typhoon Morakot’s Taiwan-Episode: Lessions for the future. Int’L Conference on Dealing with Disasters 2009: Resilience through Local Governance, 2009, Soaltee Crowne Plaza, Kathmandu, Nepal
2008 蔡呈奇、陈尊贤*, 台湾土壤有机碳存量其其应用。『农业环境科学研究』研讨会, 2008, 台南县新化镇,台湾
2008 Su, S.W. and Z.S. Chen*, Arsenic Fractionations of As-contaminated Soils at Beitou, Taipei. 2008 环境分析化学研讨会大会手册。p. 70-71。(荣获年会口头论文奖) (Top 3 best paper award selected from total 44 oral presentations), 2008, 高雄:正修科技大学
2008 苏绍玮、陈尊贤*, 关渡平原砷污染土壤对农业生态环境之潜在风险与土壤砷型态划分之探究。台湾农业化学会第四十六次会员大会手册。p. 137。(荣获优良壁报论文奖), 2008, 台北:台湾大学
2008 苏绍玮、陈尊贤*, 堆肥铜锌含量与施用量对土壤品质、作物产量与食品安全之影响。台湾农业化学会第四十六次会员大会手册。p. 136, 2008, 台北:台湾大学
2008 Su, S.W. and Z.S. Chen*, Comparison of two single acid extractants in simultaneously removing heavy metals from an artificial copper-, zinc-, and arsenic-contaminated soil. 第四届海峡两岸土壤及地下水污染与整治研讨会论文集。p. 228, 2008, 西安:长安大学
2008 Chen, Z.S.* and S.W. Su, Assessment of soil acid washing technique for multiple metals contaminated soil in an industrial site of north Taiwan. 第四届海峡两岸土壤及地下水污染与整治研讨会论文集。p. 30, 2008, 西安:长安大学
2008 黄正介、陈尊贤*, 污泥堆肥施用于不同质地土壤后对氮矿化之影响。第七届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术交流研讨会论文集(下)。p. 367-370, 2008, 北京:九华山庄
2008 苏绍玮、陈尊贤*, 台湾台北市关渡平原砷污染稻田土壤砷形态划分研究。第七届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术交流研讨会论文集(下)。p. 334-338, 2008, 北京:九华山庄
2008 林淳纯、陈尊贤*, 孔雀草、非洲凤仙及美女樱对污染土壤镉铅累积吸收之研究。第七届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术交流研讨会论文集(下)。p. 253-258, 2008, 北京:九华山庄
2008 简士濠、蔡呈奇,许正一、陈尊贤*, 台湾都市土壤之特性与土壤分类。第七届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术交流研讨会论文集(中)。p. 455-461, 2008, 北京:九华山庄
2008 崔君至、陈尊贤*, 南仁山区低地亚热带雨林之土壤但动态变化。第七届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术交流研讨会论文集(中)。p. 425-431, 2008, 北京:九华山庄
2008 苏绍玮、陈尊贤*, 禽畜粪堆肥品质及施用量对水稻产量及铜锌吸收量之影响。第七届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术交流研讨会论文集(上)。p. 86-91, 2008, 北京:九华山庄
2008 李家兴、陈尊贤*, 堆肥之可溶性有机质与土壤黏粒表面之酸解行为及其对铜锌镉之吸持反应 。第七届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术交流研讨会论文集(上)。p. 42-48, 2008, 北京:九华山庄
2008 苏绍玮、陈尊贤*, 土壤酸洗技术整治重金属铜锌铬镍污染土壤之可行性评估。中华民国环境工程学会 第20届年会暨各专门学术研讨会 大会手册暨论文集。p. 403, 2008, 台北:国立台湾大学
2008 苏绍玮、陈尊贤*, 关渡平原砷高污染土壤种植红萝卜与茼蒿之产量与砷吸收量。土壤肥料通讯。第91期。p. 68-69。(荣获壁报论文佳作奖), 中华土壤肥料学会九十七年度年会, 2008, 台中:中兴大学
2008 Tsai, C.C., Z.Y. Hseu, H. Tsai, and Z.S. Chen*, The estimation and uncertainty of total organic carbon stock in the soils of Taiwan。p. 31-43, 中华土壤肥料学会九十七年度年会暨地球暖化与粮食稳定之土壤肥料因应策略研讨会, 2008, 台中:中兴大学
2008 Su, S.W., H.Y. Guo, and Z.S. Chen*, Heavy metal pollution, food safety and soil remediation techniques applied in paddy soil environment: Research experience and perspectives in Taiwan. p. 42-72. In: C.P. Huang, C.J Lu, and Y. Shen (editors). Proceedings of International symposium on the sustainable water and soil environment. (Invited speaker), 2008, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan
2008 Lai, H. Y. and Z. S. Chen*, Phytoremediation of Metals-Contaminated Soils in Taiwan. In: Hseu, Z. Y. (editors). Pp. 57-64. Proceedings of International Symposium of Soil Heavy Metal Pollution and Remediation. (Invited speaker), 2008, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung, Taiwan
2008 Jien, S.H., Z.Y. Hseu, and Z.S. Chen*, Hydropedological implications of iron-manganese nodules in rice-growing Ultisols under different anthraquic conditions. P. 118. In: Abstract Book of Eurosoil Congress 2008, 2008, Vienna, Austria
2008 Su, S.W., H.Y. Guo, Y.C. Chen, and Z.S. Chen*, Rice-Growing Soils Contaminated with Heavy Metals and Food Safety of Brown Rice in Asia. p. 111-144. In: Proceedings of the 12th International symposium on soil revitalization. (Invited Keynote speaker), 2008, City7 Pullman Hotel Amoris A, Chungwon, Korea
2008 Hseu, Z. Y., C.C. Tsai, H.Y. Guo, and Z.S. Chen*, Comparison of Taiwan Soil Classification System to Soil Taxonomy and WRB system and its modification toward a common format of Asian soil information systems. pp. 55-69. In: Ichiro Taniyama (editor). Monsoon Asia Agro-Environmental Research Consortium (MARCO) Workshop: A New Approach to Soil Information System for natural Resources Management in Asian Countries. (Invited Speaker), 2008, Tsukuba International Congress, Japan
2008 Gupta, A.K. and Z.S. Chen*, Role of EDTA and NTA in the phytoextraction of Cd, Pb, and Zn by chenopodium album L. from artificially contaminated soil. p.591-594. In: Z.S. Chen, D. Y. Lee, and T.S. Lin (editors). Proceedings of 14th International conference on heavy metals in the environment (14th ICHMET), 2008, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
2008 Lee, C.H., A.K. Gupta, and Z.S. Chen*, Modeling acid characteristics and heavy metal sorption in compost-derived dissolve organic matter solution and clay suspension. p.511-514. In: Z.S. Chen, D. Y. Lee, and T.S. Lin (editors). Proceedings of 14th International conference on heavy metals in the environment (14th ICHMET), 2008, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
2008 Ke, G.R., C.C. Lee, C.M. Lai*, H.Y. Lai, and Z.S. Chen, Effects of phytoremediation by twelve plant species on soil functional diversity in the heavy metal-contaminated site of central Taiwan. p.202-205. In: Z.S. Chen, D. Y. Lee, and T.S. Lin (editors). Proceedings of 14th International conference on heavy metals in the environment (14th ICHMET), 2008, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
2008 Lin, C. C., H. Y. Lai, and Z.S. Chen*, French marigold and impatients as Cd super-accumulators for Cd-contaminated soils. p.186-189. In: Z.S. Chen, D. Y. Lee, and T.S. Lin (editors). Proceedings of 14th International conference on heavy metals in the environment (14th ICHMET), 2008, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
2008 Su, S.W. and Z.S. Chen*, Impacts of arsenic contaminated soils on agroecosystems in Guandu plain, Taipei: Assessment by As fractionation. p. 93-96. In: Z.S. Chen, D. Y. Lee, and T.S. Lin (editors). Proceedings of 14th International conference on heavy metals in the environment (14th ICHMET), 2008, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
2008 Chen*, Z. S., C.F. Hsieh, J. C. Liu, and C.M. Lin, Nutrient interception by a riparian forest buffer strip from adjacent orchard near reservoir: Two case studies in Taiwan. pp. 137-160. In: Chen, C.L. and H.Y. Guo (editors). Proceedings of Conference on Non-Point Pollution from Agriculture. (Invited speaker), 2008, Wufeng, Taichung, Taiwan
2008 苏绍玮、陈尊贤*, 关渡平原砷高污染土壤种植红萝卜与茼蒿之产量与砷吸收量。土壤肥料通讯。第91期。p. 68-69。(荣获壁报论文佳作奖), 中华土壤肥料学会九十七年度年会, 2008, 台中:中兴大学
2008 Tsai, C.C., Z.Y. Hseu, H. Tsai, and Z.S. Chen*, The estimation and uncertainty of total organic carbon stock in the soils of Taiwan。p. 31-43, 中华土壤肥料学会九十七年度年会暨地球暖化与粮食稳定之土壤肥料因应策略研讨会, 2008, 台中:中兴大学
2008 Su, S.W., H.Y. Guo, and Z.S. Chen*, Heavy metal pollution, food safety and soil remediation techniques applied in paddy soil environment: Research experience and perspectives in Taiwan. p. 42-72. In: C.P. Huang, C.J Lu, and Y. Shen (editors). Proceedings of International symposium on the sustainable water and soil environment. (Invited speaker), 2008, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan
2008 Lai, H. Y. and Z. S. Chen*, Phytoremediation of Metals-Contaminated Soils in Taiwan. In: Hseu, Z. Y. (editors). Pp. 57-64. Proceedings of International Symposium of Soil Heavy Metal Pollution and Remediation. (Invited speaker), 2008, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung, Taiwan
2008 Jien, S.H., Z.Y. Hseu, and Z.S. Chen*, Hydropedological implications of iron-manganese nodules in rice-growing Ultisols under different anthraquic conditions. P. 118. In: Abstract Book of Eurosoil Congress 2008, 2008, Vienna, Austria
2008 Su, S.W., H.Y. Guo, Y.C. Chen, and Z.S. Chen*, Rice-Growing Soils Contaminated with Heavy Metals and Food Safety of Brown Rice in Asia. p. 111-144. In: Proceedings of the 12th International symposium on soil revitalization. (Invited Keynote speaker), 2008, City7 Pullman Hotel Amoris A, Chungwon, Korea
2008 Hseu, Z. Y., C.C. Tsai, H.Y. Guo, and Z.S. Chen*. 2008. . Organized by . , Oct 14-15, 2008, Comparison of Taiwan Soil Classification System to Soil Taxonomy and WRB system and its modification toward a common format of Asian soil information systems. pp. 55-69. In: Ichiro Taniyama (editor). Monsoon Asia Agro-Environmental Research Consortium (MARCO) Workshop: A New Approach to Soil Information System for natural Resources Management in Asian Countries. (Invited Speaker), 2008, Tsukuba International Congress, Japan
2008 Gupta, A.K. and Z.S. Chen*, Role of EDTA and NTA in the phytoextraction of Cd, Pb, and Zn by chenopodium album L. from artificially contaminated soil. p.591-594. In: Z.S. Chen, D. Y. Lee, and T.S. Lin (editors). Proceedings of 14th International conference on heavy metals in the environment (14th ICHMET), 2008, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
2008 Lee, C.H., A.K. Gupta, and Z.S. Chen*, Modeling acid characteristics and heavy metal sorption in compost-derived dissolve organic matter solution and clay suspension. p.511-514. In: Z.S. Chen, D. Y. Lee, and T.S. Lin (editors). Proceedings of 14th International conference on heavy metals in the environment (14th ICHMET), 2008, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
2008 Ke, G.R., C.C. Lee, C.M. Lai*, H.Y. Lai, and Z.S. Chen, Effects of phytoremediation by twelve plant species on soil functional diversity in the heavy metal-contaminated site of central Taiwan. p.202-205. In: Z.S. Chen, D. Y. Lee, and T.S. Lin (editors). Proceedings of 14th International conference on heavy metals in the environment (14th ICHMET), 2008, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
2008 Lin, C. C., H. Y. Lai, and Z.S. Chen*, French marigold and impatients as Cd super-accumulators for Cd-contaminated soils. p.186-189. In: Z.S. Chen, D. Y. Lee, and T.S. Lin (editors). Proceedings of 14th International conference on heavy metals in the environment (14th ICHMET), 2008, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
2008 Su, S.W. and Z.S. Chen*, Impacts of arsenic contaminated soils on agroecosystems in Guandu plain, Taipei: Assessment by As fractionation. p. 93-96. In: Z.S. Chen, D. Y. Lee, and T.S. Lin (editors). Proceedings of 14th International conference on heavy metals in the environment (14th ICHMET), 2008, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
2008 Adhikari, K. R., and Z. S. Chen*, Nitrogen-based manure application to cabbage-corn rotation system: Conserving N and improving crop recovery. p287. In: Soil 2008 Programme and Abstracts for the Joint Conference of the Australia and New Zealand Societies of Soil Science in conjunction with the International Year of Planet Earth, 2008, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
2008 Hu, T.E., C.C. Tsai and Z.S. Chen*, Estimation of total soil organic carbon pool under nine plantation tree species in northern Taiwan. p157. In: Soil 2008 Programme and Abstracts for the Joint Conference of the Australia and New Zealand Societies of Soil Science in conjunction with the International Year of Planet Earth, 2008, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
2008 Su, S.W., S.C. Lin, W.D. Huang, T.K. Chang, and Z.S. Chen*, The food safety of rice cultivated in arsenic contaminated soils in Guandu Plain of northern Taiwan. p98. In: Soil 2008 Programme and Abstracts for the Joint Conference of the Australia and New Zealand Societies of Soil Science in conjunction with the International Year of Planet Earth, 2008, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
2007 赖鸿裕、陈尊贤, 阿里山地区淋淀土现地收集溶液组成之研究。土壤肥料通讯第90期。pp. 64-65. 锺仁赐、李达源、施养信 (编辑)。中华土壤肥料学会96年度年会论文宣读。 ISBN 0253-8954, 2007, 国立中兴大学农业环境科学大楼十楼会议厅
2007 林淳纯、陈尊贤, 孔雀草、非洲凤仙及美女樱对污染土壤镉铅累积吸收之研究。土壤肥料通讯第90期。pp. 60-61. 锺仁赐、李达源、施养信 (编辑)。中华土壤肥料学会96年度年会论文宣读。 ISBN 0253-8954, 2007, 国立中兴大学农业环境科学大楼十楼会议厅
2007 黄正介、陈尊贤, 不同质地土壤经污泥堆肥施入用后对氮矿化作用之影响。土壤肥料通讯第90期。pp. 52-53. 锺仁赐、李达源、施养信 (编辑)。中华土壤肥料学会96年度年会论文宣读。 ISBN 0253-8954, 2007, 国立中兴大学农业环境科学大楼十楼会议厅
2007 李家兴、Amit K. Gupta、陈尊贤, 污泥及猪粪之堆肥中可溶性有机碳对土壤中铜、锌、镉之释放之影响。土壤肥料通讯第90期。pp. 48-49。 锺仁赐、李达源、施养信 (编辑)。中华土壤肥料学会96年度年会论文宣读。 ISBN 0253-8954, 2007, 国立中兴大学农业环境科学大楼十楼会议厅
2007 张哲绮、崔君至、陈尊贤, 福山阔叶林25公顷永久样区优势树种凋落物养分释出及土壤氮矿化之季节性变动。土壤肥料通讯第90期。pp. 46-47。锺仁赐、李达源、施养信 (编辑)。中华土壤肥料学会96年度年会论文宣读。 ISBN 0253-8954, 2007, 国立中兴大学农业环境科学大楼十楼会议厅
2007 Ke, G.R., C. C. Lee, C.M. Lai*, H. Y. Lai, and Z.S. Chen, Effects of in situ phytoremediation with chelator assistance on enzyme activities and microbial biomass in a heavy metal-contaminated soil, The IIIrd International Conference on Enzymes in the Environment: Activity, ecology and applications, 2007, Viterbo, Italy
2007 Asio*, V.B., R. Jahn, and Z. S. Chen, The pedology of tropical island soils: Is it different from other soils?, National Scientific Conference of the Philippine Society of Soil Science and Technology, 2007, PCARRD, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines
2007 Gupta, A.K., S. Sinha, and Z.S. Chen*, Chemical partitioning and assessment of heavy metal bioavailability for flax grown on tannery sludge amended soil. pp. 609-610. In: Zhu Y.G., Lepp N., and R. Naidu (editors). Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements: Environmental protection, remediation and human helath. ISBN 978-7-302-15627-7, 2007, Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, China
2007 Lai, H.Y. and Z.S. Chen*, The Metals Accumulation of Rainbow Pink (Dianthus chinensis) Growing in Metals-Contaminated soils by Applying Different Chemical Agents. pp. 700-701. In: Zhu Y.G., Lepp N., and R. Naidu (editors). Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements: Environmental protection, remediation and human helath. ISBN 978-7-302-15627-7, 2007, Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, China
2007 Lai, H.Y., D. Y. Lee, R. S. Chung and Z.S. Chen*, Large Area Phytoremediation Experiment to Study the Uptake of Metals by Twelve Plant Species Growing in the Contaminated Site of Central Taiwan. pp. 188-189. In: Zhu Y.G., Lepp N., and R. Naidu (editors). Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements: Environmental protection, remediation and human helath. ISBN 978-7-302-15627-7, 2007, Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, China
2007 Chiang, C. F., Guo, H.Y., Tzu, C. L., Liu, T. S., Chen, C. L. and Chen*, Z. S., Soil characteristics and nutrient budget in three agricultural long term ecological research sites in Taiwan: First year report. Proceedings of International Long Term Ecological Research (ILTER), 2007, Coordinate Conference, Beijing, China
2007 Tsai, C. C., C. C. Tsui, T.E. Hu, Z. Y. Hesu, H. Tsai, and Z. S. Chen*, The estimation of total soil carbon and nitrogen pool of Taiwan. pp. 124-138. In: Wang, M.K. and Lin, Y.S. (editors). Proceedings of International Symposium on Soil Biodiversity and Ecology. (invited speaker), 2007, Biodiversity Research Center of National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
2007 Su, S.W., H.Y. Guo, C.C. Tsai, Z. Y. Hseu, and Z. S. Chen*, New Aspect of Collaborative Research on the Soil Pollution, Food Safety and Soil Remediation Techniques in Asia. Pp. 38-43. In: T. Yoneyama and M. Saito (editors). Proceedings of 8th International Conference of East and Southeast Asian Federation of Soil Science Societies (ESAFS-8). (Invited keynote speaker), 2007, Tsukuba, Japan
2007 Su, S.W., H.Y. Guo, and Z.S. Chen, Cadmium uptake by rice under various soil pH, cadmium concentration and rice varieties: A review. pp. 62-63. In: Chung, R.S. D.Y. Lee, and Y.S. Shih (editors). Newsletter of Soil and Fertiliers. No. 90. ISBN 0253-8954, The Annual Meeting of Chinese Society of Soil and Fertilizer Sciences (CSSFS), 2007, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan
2007 Su, S.W., S. C. Lin, W.D. Huang, T.K. Chang, and Z.S. Chen, Rice safety in arsenic contaminated rice-growing soils of Guandu plain in Taipei. pp. 58-59. In: Chung, R.S. D.Y. Lee, and Y.S. Shih (editors). Newsletter of Soil and Fertiliers. No. 90. ISBN 0253-8954, The Annual Meeting of Chinese Society of Soil and Fertilizer Sciences (CSSFS), 2007, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan
2007 Su, S.W. and Z.S. Chen, Copper and zinc uptake by Pakchoi and accumulation in the soil after application of manure compost. pp. 56-57. In: Chung, R.S. D.Y. Lee, and Y.S. Shih (editors). Newsletter of Soil and Fertiliers. No. 90. ISBN 0253-8954, The Annual Meeting of Chinese Society of Soil and Fertilizer Sciences (CSSFS), 2007, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan
2007 Adhikari, K. R. and Z. S. Chen, Nitrogen-based manure application to cabbage-corn rotation system: Conserving N and improving crop N recovery. pp. 54-55. In: Chung, R.S. D.Y. Lee, and Y.S. Shih (editors). Newsletter of Soil and Fertiliers. No. 90. ISBN 0253-8954, The Annual Meeting of Chinese Society of Soil and Fertilizer Sciences (CSSFS), 2007, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan
2006 赖鸿裕、庄恺玮、锺仁赐、李达源、赖朝明、陈建德、陈柏青、陈尊贤, 台湾中部重金属污染区之植生复育:III. 累积重金属植物之筛选. 第六届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术交流研讨会论文集 pp. 361-366, 2006, 台湾台北市
2006 陈柏青、唐郁婷、赖鸿裕、庄恺玮、陈尊贤, 台湾中部重金属污染区之植生复育:II. 试验区之健康风险评估。第六届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术交流研讨会论文集 pp. 757-765, 2006, 台湾台北市
2006 赖鸿裕、庄恺玮、李达源、陈尊贤, 台湾中部重金属污染区之植生复育:I. 试验区土壤重金属浓度之空间分布, 第六届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术交流研讨会论文集 pp. 747-756, 2006, 台湾台北市
2006 廖伟至、陈尊贤, 福山天然阔叶林25公顷永久样区土壤性质之空间变异。第六届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术交流研讨会论文集 pp. 633-642, 2006, 台湾台北市
2006 胡庭恩、陈尊贤, 台湾北部地区主要人工林土壤碳贮存量之估算。第六届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术交流研讨会论文集 pp. 603-612, 2006, 台湾台北市
2006 简士濠、陈尊贤, 不同土壤份境况下含铁网纹极育土中铁锰结核之特性。第六届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术交流研讨会论文集 pp. 593-601, 2006, 台湾台北市
2006 简士濠、陈尊贤, 巨观与微观下探讨台湾地区水田土壤铁锰结核之生成机制。第六届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术交流研讨会论文集 pp. 585-592, 2006, 台湾台北市
2006 Tsui, C. C., and Z.S. Chen, Net soil nitrogen mineralization and nitrification of lowland subtropical rain forest in southern Taiwan. Pp. 333-345. In: Proceedings of Both Side Strait Workshop on Soil and Fertilizer, 2006, Taipei, Taiwan
2006 Wu, C. C., C. C. Tsuia, C.F. Hseihb, V. B. Asio, and Z. S. Chen*, Nutrient Status of Soil and Tree Species and Nutrient Cycling Estimation of Subtropical Nanjenshan Long Term Ecology Research Site in Taiwan. pp. 25-32. In: Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute (editor). Proceedins of International Workshop on Long Term Ecological Research in Agricultural Ecosystem. (Invited speaker), Wufeng, Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, 2006
2006 Tsai, C. C., J. H. Huang, and Z.S. Chen*, The Characteristics and Genesis of Volcanic Soils in Taiwan. pp. 57-74. In: Hiroshi Takesako (editor). Proceedings of International Symposium on Volcanic Ash Soils and Field Workshop in the Mt. Fuji area: Genesis, characteristics, utilization of their distinctive functions and new topics. (Invited speaker), 2006, Ikuta Campus Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan
2006 Chen, Z. S., Pedological Activities of Taiwan in Last 50 Years and Strategies for the Future. pp. 2. In: Proceedings of abstract of 50th Anniversary symposium of Japan Society of Pedology (JSP). (Invited Keynote speaker), 2006, College of Bioresources Sciences, Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan
2006 Wu, C. C., C. C. Tsui, C. F. Hseih, V. B. Asio, and Z. S. Chen*, Mineral nutrient status of tree species in relation to environmental factors in the subtropical rain forest of Taiwan. pp. 52. In: Masahiro Takagi (editor). Proceedings of abstract of the 6th Conference of East Asia-Pacific Regional Network of International Long-Term Ecological Research (ILTER), 2006, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN), Kyoto
2006 Lai, H.Y., and Z.S. Chen*, A review of using garden flowers to remove heavy metals in contaminated soils of Taiwan. pp. 1-26. In: L. Yang (editor). Proceedings of International symposium on Constructed Wetlands and Phytoremediation Ecotechnology. (Invited speaker), 2006, Center of Water Resources and Study, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2006 Chen, S.W., H. Y. Lai, and Z.S. Chen, To increase the solubility and uptake of Cd and Pb of three species of Indian mustards (Brassica juncea) by 2 Na-EDTA application. pp. 45. In: Fukue, M., Kita, K., Ohtsubo, M., and Chaney, R. (editors). Proceedings of abstract of the 3rd International Symposium on Contaminated Sediments, 2006, Shizuoka, Japan
2006 Tsui*, C. C., and Z. S. Chen, Net soil nitrogen mineralization and nitrification of a lowland subtropical rain forest in Southern Taiwan. Abstract paper No. 1326b in Session 146, 18th World Congress of Soil Science: Frontiers of Soil Science, 2006, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
2006 Tsai*, C. C., and Z. S. Chen, Toposequence and pedogenesis in Mt. Tatung, the Northern Taiwan. Abstract paper No. 345a in Session 122, 18th World Congress of Soil Science: Frontiers of Soil Science, 2006, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
2006 Jien*, S. H., and Z. S. Chen, Characterization and formation of iron-manganese nodules of Ultisols with plinthite in Taiwan. Abstract paper No. 243a in Session 121, 18th World Congress of Soil Science: Frontiers of Soil Science, 2006, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
2006 Tsai* H., Z. Y. Hseu, and Z. S. Chen, The profile development index (PDI) of the lateritic river terraces in central Taiwan. Abstract paper No. 150b in Session 123, 18th World Congress of Soil Science: Frontiers of Soil Science, 2006, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
2006 Adhikari*, K. R., S. Shrestha, P.P. Adhikari, and Z.S. Chen, Effectiveness of liming materials to amende acidic upland soil and wheat productivity. Abstract paper No. 2206a in Session 170, 18th World Congress of Soil Science: Frontiers of Soil Science, 2006, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
2006 Wu, S.P., and Z. S. Chen*, Characteristics, pedogenesis and classification of podzolic soils in Tai-Ping Mountain of Taiwan. Abstract paper No. 356b in Session 85, 18th World Congress of Soil Science: Frontiers of Soil Science, 2006, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
2006 Hseu*, Z. Y., Z. S. Chen, and S. H. Jien, Pedological characteristics and heavy metals contamination in rice production of the paddy soils in Taiwan. (invited speaker), International Symposium on Frontiers in Rice Science: From Gene to Field, 2006, Sendai, Japan